24H foot foam against dry skin
Dry skin on the feet quickly becomes very rough because it lacks much-needed moisture. Only suitable care can help against this. With the active ingredients andiroba extract, urea, glycerine, pentavin and panthenol, the 24H foot foam from RobaHealth restores a pleasantly nourished feeling to the skin on your feet.

High-quality Andirobanut
The Andirobanut is native to South America, particularly the Amazon basin. Among the indigenous people, the Andirobanut has long been regarded as THE natural power from the Amazon and is used there to treat wounds and for skin care. For this reason, we use the Andirobanut as the basis for our products.
Klein21576711ggdd –
Tolles Produkt, fettet nicht nach. Zieht schnell ein. Riecht angenehm. Freue mich nach einem anstrengendem Tag meine Füße mit dem Schaum zu verwöhnen.
bambie –
Also ich bin begeistert. Der Schaum ist sehr ergibig und zieht sehr schnell ein. Man kann ihn perfekt morgends vor der Arbeit benutzen, weil er nicht schmiert. Also ich finde ihn toll.